Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje: plemstvo i pučanstvo, vlasti i institucije

Code of project: 019-0190610-0591
Leading researcher: dr. sc. Ante Škegro, znanstveni savjetnik
Reg. number at MZOS: 206940
Status of project: project within program
Program: Spomenička i socijalna topografija hrvatskoga srednjovjekovlja
Affiliation: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Department: Odjel za srednjovjekovnu povijest
Duration of project: 5 years

Scientific-research project “Croatian Middle Ages: nobility and commoners, governments and institutions” aims to investigate topics and problems for the Croatian area from Late Antiquity to Early Modern period, which have not been thoroughly studied. The proposed topics to be studied include the growth of Croatian feudal lords originating from old Croatian noble family clans, the development of their properties – real outposts of national power for Croatian nobility, lands and fortified feudal towns. Social stratification and strengthening of royal power influenced the development of Croatian royal free towns. The proposed topics have not received adequate attention, on the other hand the senior researcher and the project researchers are experts in archaeology, Latin, Italian and German palaeography, heraldry, sfragistics, epigraphy, numismatics and related disciplines necessary for the detailed research: these are the premises which will make possible the continuation of topics and problems already initiated and will open new issues like interactions and integrations between Roman and Slavic-Croatian element, development of medieval institutions, rural settlements, medieval roads and communications with European traffic (which influenced exchange of trades, commerce, architecture, arts and crafts). Particular attention will be given to the research of medieval castrum and its development to early medieval castle and renaissance fortification or palace. Final results of the project will be: scholarly publications, public scholar and popular presentations and lectures, books. All these results will be based on archival work in Croatian and international archives, on heraldic and sfragistic research and on epigraphic and numismatic sources. The analysis of the topics will be proven on the field as well – the archaeological and topographic research will also be included.

Key words:
Croatian medieval nobility and institutions|Feudal properties and fortifications,Royal free towns,Serfs and commoners,Architectural and sacral heritage


  • dr. sc. Ante Škegro, leading researcher
  • dr. sc. Ana Novak

Vanjski suradnici na projektu:

  • dr. sc. Milan Kruhek
  • dr. sc. ing. arh. Zorislav Horvat
  • dr. sc. Marijan Sivrić
  • dr. sc. Vinicije B. Lupis
  • dr. sc. Ivica Puljić
  • doc. dr. sc. Hrvoje Kekez (Croatian Catholic University)